Can you tell us briefly about this trip? What brought you here? 

I had been manifesting my desire to visit Venezuela for quite some time, especially Los Roques. My lifelong friends, Carlota and Melanie, come from that beautiful country. The universe conspired in our favor, and finally, the long-awaited moment arrived.

What was your first impression of Los Roques?

I felt a lot of excitement as we were flying. During the flight, the edge of the reef began to gradually appear, revealing a composition of islands in a sea of unprecedented shades of blue and aquamarine. We were about to land in paradise!

Any interesting facts about Los Roques? 

The Los Roques Archipelago National Park is considered the second largest marine park in Latin America and is home to the largest coral reef in the southern Caribbean.

Best place to stay? 

At Olivia and Otilio’s Ranch, on the fishing island of Crasquí.

What specific memory comes to mind when you think about this destination? 

Many, but the most memorable ones were thanks to the locals. Like when we accompanied Deiby and Jesús to Agustín Island to collect salt directly from the salt flats and for lobster at Locos Island. Also, the hike with Emir to the hidden lagoon and North Beach on Crasquí Island.

What is the best place to watch the sunset? 

On the bench in front of Olivia and Otilio’s Ranch.

Can you share a local secret? 

For kitesurfing enthusiasts, Crasquí Island is one of the best spots in the world.

What does Los Roques taste like? 

It tastes like fried fish, lobster, conch (sea snail), octopus ceviche, oysters, arepas, cassava bread, and ripe plantains.

A song that reminds you of this place? 

The ocean waves make the best soundtrack.

If you had to pick a favorite thing about Los Roques, what would it be? 

On Crasquí Island, there’s a secret path called “the labyrinth.” It’s a journey through mangroves, lined with conch shells, leading to a completely private beach with white sand. It’s perfect for meditation.

Something you haven’t seen anywhere else?

  1. The iridescent nacreous surface inside the shells of oysters.
  2. How pelicans fish, capturing prey and then tilting their heads back to drain the water and swallow the fish immediately.

What to pack? 

Carry only what’s necessary, travel light. Reef-safe sunscreen, insect repellent, hat, dresses and swimsuits, lightweight and comfortable clothing, a sweater for the evening, and sandals. If traveling by plane, carry a maximum of 10 kilograms of luggage.

Favorite word or slang?

“¡Que bolas!”

How do you define beauty? 

The perfection of nature. Its colors, shapes, and textures.

Images courtesy of Andrea Vargas Gaviria.